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21 Days of Continuous STT Healing
FIRST TIME EVER, I'm offering 21 Daily Spontaneous Transformation Technique healings. Each day, you will access your core issues and fundamentally heal what's been holding you back. This is deep habit breaking daily shifting...  This creates PERMANENT CHANGE!
You'll Experience Healing Along with Daily Individual Catalysts
Each day will be guided by you and this remarkable community of participants as an individual Catalyst supports you and the group for these 21 days. I promise you'll receive support and healing for your issues and challenges.
Neural Science  Proven Changes
21 Days delivers real and proven changes to your brain and your vibration! AND you will be creating NEW NEURAL PATHWAYS! This is your chance to receive daily quantum healing using this special technique as I guide you  to improve your your life in ways you might not have thought possible.
Accelerated Healing In Just 35 - 40 Minutes
Each 35 - 40 minute self-healing STT session goes right to the core of the issue, deep in your subconscious,  to activate and connect more positive and confident beliefs and thinking. A Powerful daily practice that neural scientists have validated create REAL change. WOW!
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ONLY $67 ONE-TIME OFFER: Receive my full healing intention EACH DAY, from the moment you register for 45 Days: The minute you register then for 45 Days, you will have ME in your corner, performing my Spontaneous Transformation prayer healings, remotely holding you personally in your light, supporting you with transformational frequencies EVERY SINGLE DAY. And YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! You DON'T have to attend anything. You DON'T even have to think about it. I will be doing this sacred healing on you each day remotely, in the background, as you go about your day. Imagine who you might be after 45 days of me working with you each and every day. I can take over, so you can let go to me the things you’ve wanted to change. I will be there supporting, healing, transforming and activating the best version of you. And layering the Spontaneous Transformation healing frequencies over and over, building strength and power in your mental, emotional and physical bodies. This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY pricing on this page now, click the radial button to add to your order. [**PAYPAL USERS** Scroll down and Click PayPal button then add this to your order in PayPal Checkout]

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  • STT offers Accelerated Healing: Heal more quickly, and positively influence challenging circumstances.
  • 21 STT Healing Sessions Each Day (35- 40 Minutes): ALREADY RECORDED AND WAITING FOR YOU... Accelerate your healing as you save years and thousands of dollars to finally move the needle on what you have been seeking.
  • Access "The Why" You've Been Stuck, in Poor Health, or in Lack: Dive deeply into the healing process and learn the REAL reasons for your challenges.
  • You Will Go on Your OWN Healing Experience: Each day will be guided by you and this remarkable community of participants for these 21 days. I promise you'll receive support and healing for your issues and challenges.
  • Neural Pathway Changes: Neural sciences has proven definitively that 21 days of practice creates real and permanent changes. So, by the end of the month, you will be living a new life!
  • FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED: I'm offering 21 Daily Spontaneous Transformation Technique healings. Each day we will access your core issues and fundamentally heal what's been holding you back.
  • Ancient Healing with Modern Science: Activate the ancient healing traditions of this system as you integrate modern neural sciences to create real, lasting healing.
  • Working with REAL People: This process of doing a session on a real subject gives YOU much deeper support.  And working with real people allows your mind to feel the kinship (and thus opening) to create a very powerful release, healing and clearing over and over.
  •  Download this whole program: 21 Mp3 audio downloads, 21 transcript downloads... WOW!
  • You DON'T have to do 21 days in a row: It is recommended to do the 21 Days in a row if you can... then you have access this library of healing at your leisure, guided intuitively to the exact healing session that will serve you in the moment.
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Here's What Participants Have Experienced in Just 21 Days Of This STT Healing Program...
"Dear Jennifer, I am grateful for this program you are sharing. It is difficult to give words to what it is bringing me, for the changes are subtle and clear at the same time. It feels like a deep inner cleaning process and after every day more clarity arises. Thank you so much for this big gift. I love you." 
~ Els
"I have made so much progress with Jennifer's programs. Jennifer supports you on your own journey, and the shifts are real though subtle, and you realize one day, that you are thinking differently and that old patterns are shifting. Jennifer also explains the mechanics behind it, so that your brain can understand that you are not leaving it behind, but bringing it on board with your heart. Amazing work!!"

~ Mary Ann Joy
"This program has brought healing to a new level. Working daily with STT in such a real way, is ground breaking territory. Old patterns have been shifting and new ways of thinking and behaving are happening. Shifts are subtle but so powerful. What I like too is Jennifer does not make your mind "wrong". Just opens your mind up to new possibilities of looking at things. This has helped shift my relationships at home and with co-workers and my relationship to myself. Amazing and powerful work!"

~ Mary Ann
"This program moves you rather quickly out of pain and into the vista of vision. This program cannot be explained…it can only be experienced. 
If you truly want to “unlearn your past” and move into the present, then this program is for you. It is like no other program I have experienced with results appearing so quickly. All you have to do is show up and keep allowing space for the changes to reveal themselves."
~  Mandi
"The remaining vibrations of fear, anger & resentment, that I had been unaware I was still carrying, have been transformed! It feels quite literally like a transmutation from the lead ore of the old vibration of me, to a liquid gold... one that flows.. And could even transmute alchemically to almost any magical substance it needed to! I'm no longer afraid of losing the healings I've obtained, because I'm no longer unknowingly carrying that undertone of resentment and dread!"
~ Anna

© 2007-2023 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Jennifer McLean,  McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660  Customer Support: 847-386-1464  I

Medical Disclaimer
The information provided through McLean Masterworks and its guests is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this series is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.